1 〔…のが最後だ〕
彼は私の本を持っていったきり返さない He took my book 「and never returned it [and that\'s the last I\'ve seen of it].
アメリカへ行ったきり彼女は消息を絶った Nothing has been heard of her since she left for America.
彼とは5月に会ったきりだ I haven\'t seen him since May. / The last time I saw him was in May.
2 〔ずっと…したまま〕
彼女は付きっきりで夫をみとった She took care of her husband without leaving him for a moment.
寝たきりの老人 a bedridden old man / an old man confined to bed
3 〔…だけ〕
手持ちはそれっきりです That is all I have with me.
手伝ってくれたのは太郎きりだった Taro was the only one who helped me.
戻ってきたのは私きりだった I alone returned.
彼らは二人きりになりたかった They wanted to be alone.
生存者は彼一人きりだった He was the sole survivor.
東京にいるのは今日きりだ This is my last day in Tokyo.
やってみてもよいが1回きりだよ I\'ll let you try just once.
Progressive Japanese-English Dictionary, Second edition Shogakukan 1986,1993/プログレッシブ和英中辞典 第2版 小学館 1986,1993