1〔再び〕again, once more; 〔またいつか〕another time, some other time
昨夜また地震があった There was another earthquake last night.
じゃあまたね See you later .
いま忙しいからまたにしてくれ I'm busy now. Another time, please.
2〔同じく〕also; too
順子は美しかったが,圭子もまた美しかった Junko was beautiful, 「and so was Keiko .
また,えらい失敗をしたものだなあ Ah, but what an awful blunder he has made!
どうしてまたそんなばかな事をしたんだろう Why on earth did they do something so silly?
4〔その上〕and; moreover
山また山 mountain on mountain
彼は科学者でもあり,また詩人でもある He is a poet as well as a scientist./He is both a scientist and a poet.
彼女は美しく,また賢いShe is bright as well as beautiful./She's as clever as she is beautiful
1〔いまだに〕still; 〔否定文で〕yet; 〔今までのところ〕so far
まだ眠っている He is still sleeping.
彼はまだ帰って来ない He has not come back yet.
まだ伯父に会ったことがない I have never met my uncle.
今のところまだ元気だ Up till now I have been in good shape.
あの事件からまだ1週間しかたっていない It has been only a week since that incident.
彼らはまだ私の不注意な間違いを許してくれていない They have yet to forgive me for my careless mistake.
これからまだ (まだ) 寒くなる It is going to get colder (still)。
同じ瓶がまだありますか Do you have any more bottles like this?
面白い話がまだ (まだ) あるよI have (many) other interesting stories to tell you (besides this)。
このほうがまだましだ This is less unsatisfactory than that./This is not as bad as that.
これでもまだ大きいほうです Even this is a relatively large one.