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SAT.GRE.GMAT 駅氏汽簡鹿 8

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71. deleteriousharmful墾のある墾蕎をおよぼす

The gangster film has had a deleterious effect upon Yumi.


synonyms injurious, detrimental, baneful, etc.

antonyms beneficial, salutary, advantageous, etc.

Z坿 ギリシャZで仝裡な々という吭龍がZ功。

vBZunwholesome, noxious, pernicious, etc.

72. demurhesitate郡するhを蟹える森柩するP鎌する

When asked to support the antistrike legislation, Kotomi demurred on the ground that such a law would be unjust.


synonyms scruple, vacillate, waiver, etc.

antonyms accede, agree, concur, etc.

Z坿 Z功の mur は moratorium と揖功で仝Wらす々とか仝决ばす々という吭龍。

vBZqualm, faltering, reluctance, etc.

73. demureshyみ侮い陣え朕な麗床かな函り確ました

Naoko's career as an actress has embraced roles ranging from that of a demure ingenue to that of an openly sharptongued vixen.


synonyms sedate, decorous, reserved, etc

.antonyms frivolous, forward, immodest, etc.

Z坿 Z功の mure は mature と揖功。俊^看の de は{を吭龍する。

vBZstaid, coy, priggish, etc.

74. denigratedefame嶄するけなすAす苓疲するXする

Ryoko's blistering attack on Hanae was obviously made to denigrate her reputation among the electorate.


synonyms vilify, sully, disparage, etc.

antonyms exalt, ennoble, extol, etc.

Z坿 Z功の nigr は仝\々という吭龍。denigrate とは仝\くする々というのが圻x。vBZasperse, defame, malign, etc.

75. deprecatedenounce掲yする、郡を蟹えるXする

Hanae's judgment is usually sound; therefore if she deprecates a plan it should be reconsidered.


synonyms remonstrate, decry, expostulate, etc.

antonyms commend, laud, sanction, etc.

Z坿 Z功の prec は pray と揖功で仝畷る々という吭龍。仝匯伏卉に畷る々から仝Rる々へとk婢してF壓の吭龍に篁した。

vBZdisapprove, bemoan, bewail

76. dilettanteamateur挫並社しろうと椰g社杠端劭祇S

Kaori's income was now so large that she felt she could afford to become an expert in her hobbies and be a dilettante in her business.


synonyms amateur trifler, dabbler, etc.

antonyms expert, professional, connoisseur, etc.

Z坿 Z功の dileta は delight と揖功。仝Sしむ々というのが圻x。

vBZepicure, virtuoso, whiz, etc.

77. debonairpleasant in manner@イ

Izumi hid her many problems behind a debonair exterior.


synonyms affable, carefree, blithe, etc.

antonyms surly, boorish, morose, etc.

Z坿 debonairはフランスZで仝措い來鯉の々という吭龍。deが念崔~のof, bonがgood, そしてair が哂Zと揖じくairで仝腎檗垢箸仝檗垢箸いσ睥供MじZ功のgZにbenignやbenevolentがある。

vBZ carefree, jocund, blithe, etc

78. derelictabandoned shipz麗z巻鯛瘁宀婬‖宀x邦仟伏仇

Tatsuya went far below the surface of the ocean in search of a derelict supposedly laden with Spanish gold.

タツヤはスペインの仔署でいっぱいであると深えられているz巻を冥して今詰に捻った。synonyms wreckage, flotsam, pariah, etc.

Z坿 Z功の lic は loan や relinquish と揖功で仝xす々という吭龍。derelict で仝頼畠にもとにxす々というのが圻x。

vBZneglectful, deserted, delinquent, etc.

79. destitutepenniless是なFした隔たない之いている

Hiroko lacks the barest necessities of life and is indeed destitute.ヒロコは伏試駅俶瞳を之いて屎にFである。

synonyms impecunious, indigent, impoverished, etc.

antonyms opulent, affluent, wealthy, etc.

Z坿 Z功の stitute は statute 仝隈綜々仝隈。垢藩功で仝秀たされたもの々というのが圻x。status とも揖功で仝仇了の詰い彜B々という吭龍。

vBZpenniless, necessitous, deprivation, etc.

80. desultoryaimlessとりとめのない只隼とした融wな屶x臍僂

Satoshi showed that fifteen minutes of concentration had produced better results than two hours of desultory study.


synonyms rambling, erratic, discursive, etc.

antonyms systematic, constant, methodical, etc.

Z坿 Z功の sult は moonsault 仝埖中帑卦り々と揖功で仝wぶ々という吭龍。

vBZcursory, random, spasmodic

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