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作者:贯通日本… 文章来源:贯通论坛 点击数 更新时间:2008-1-9 22:38:50 文章录入:阿汝 责任编辑:阿汝

查看带图片以及详细版本的该帖子的内容: [转帖]動物の泣き声

Pages :[1]  共 4 楼
#1 作者:fuyumura 2005-5-18 18:59:00)




neko CAT

ニャーニャー nya- nya- (meow) NOTE: One interesting thing about animal sounds is they often appear in MANGA. nyaa!

MORE on Cats

inu DOG
ワンワン wan wan (woof, bark) NOTE : to the Japanese wan and ONE (1) are the same pronunciation. So there is a chain of steak houses in Japan called \'SUTEKI WAN\' (Steak One) whose mascot is a dog.

かえる kaeru FROG
ゲロゲロ gero gero (ribbit) NOTE : A word of caution is in order. Another meaning of gero is puke, throw-up, vomit. NOTE #2 : The traditional Japanese song KAERU NO UTA GA (The Frog\'s Song)

カラス karasu CROW
カーカー ka- ka- NOTE : Japanese crows are huge! "Scarecrow" in Japanese is kakashi.

ushi COW
モーモー mo- mo- (Moo) NOTE : One way to remember ushi is to think of it sounding like oishi (delicious). But be careful with your pronunciation. I had a friend a few years back who at the restaurant Mister Donuts pointed to her donut and said to an astonished Japanese waitress, "KORE WA USHI DESU! USHI DESU!" [This is a cow! this is a cow!]

hitsuji SHEEP
メーメー me- me- (baa baa)  

ニワトリ niwatori CHICKEN
コケコッコー kokekokko- (Cock-a-doodle-doo)  

buta PIG
ブーブー bu- bu- (oink)  

あひる ahiru DUCK
ガーガー ga- ga- (quack) NOTE : Japanese distinguishes between the white ducks (ahiru) and the other colored ducks (kamo). Despite their different names they still speak the same GA- GA- language.

ウキー uki-  

ゴジラ gojira GODZILLA

ガオー gao- NOTE : gojira is a combination of gorira (gorilla) + kujira (whale); Also any large monster says, "GAO-"

#2 作者:三四郎 2005-5-18 22:42:00)

#3 作者:fuyumura 2005-5-18 23:11:00)



#4 作者:mamire 2005-5-29 9:54:00)

呵呵,谢谢楼主! 这个帖子发得真绝 ^^
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